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Testimonies of Healing

The Apostle Peter says, "Ye should...

From the October 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The Apostle Peter says, "Ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light." Words fail to express my eternal gratitude for that blessed day when God called me "out of darkness into his marvellous light." I found Christian Science in the darkest day of my life. It illumined my rough way when as a refugee I was ill, broken down, ignorant of the destiny of my loved ones, despoiled of all my material goods, without money or any possibility of work—in short, a moral and physical wreck, without God, without hope. Darkness was in my heart and in my mind, the darkness of a useless and aimless life. Entirely discouraged I decided to commit suicide. But "man's extremity is God's opportunity." On the day of this decision an acquaintance of mine, whom I had not seen for some months, came to my home and told me that she had recently met a Christian Scientist. She gave her card to me, saying, "Christian Science does not interest me, but you are interested in religious questions and it seemed to me that it might interest you."

I had never heard of Christian Science or of Christian Scientists. I took the card indifferently, but the next morning I went to this practitioner. She gave me a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, and advised me to go to church. I went, and although I did not understand anything, I suddenly felt joy and harmony in the atmosphere of the church. I wept throughout the whole service; the bitterness and hardness melted. It seemed to me that I was really in the midst of loving friends. I completely forgot my intention to commit suicide. From that moment I have never deserted Christian Science. Led lovingly and wisely by the practitioner, I began earnestly to study the textbook in English, though I did not know English then. I took a dictionary and started to study the Bible and Science and Health. I became calm, almost happy. I had hope in the future and trust in God as the governing, loving Principle of all. I began to understand the nature of Deity and His creation, and the relationship of God to man. The services of our church became for me as a feast; I made friends and received assistance.

I have had many wonderful healings. From my childhood I suffered from chronic constipation, laryngitis, heart trouble, and for many years from attacks of sciatica and lumbago, in consequence of which my left foot was paralyzed for four years. Daily I took different medicines to allay the pain in my leg and to calm the heart attacks, also mechanical means and pills to move my bowels. During the first month of my study, whilst I was reading the Bible Lessons, my attention was attracted by the words of Jesus, "No man can serve two masters." Two masters, I thought, yet I read the Lesson-Sermon every day and at the same time I am taking medicine and using material means. No, I shall no longer serve two masters! I at once destroyed all my medicine. The next day my bowels began to move naturally for the first time in my life, and my heart continued to be calm; also the pains in my back and leg disappeared, and the foot became normal.

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