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From the July 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"Home is the dearest spot on earth, and it should be the centre, though not the boundary, of the affections." When Mary Baker Eddy wrote these words in our textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 58), she was, no doubt, speaking of our human home in its highest sense. The average daily newspaper, however, would tempt one to believe that home is frequently the opposite of this. Much that seems the reverse of our Leader's statement appears in the records of homes disturbed by separation, sickness, death, lack, poverty, unemployment, and of loss through destructive forces, such as earthquake, wind, fire, and flood. And yet, this quoted statement can be proved true, as may be all of her statements, and this by correct, spiritual thinking, which constitutes true prayer in Christian Science.

Man, the image and likeness of God, has but one home, and that home is divine Mind. The Bible says that man lives, and moves, and has his being in God. Christian Science defines God as infinite Mind. So, as the likeness of God, as the idea of Mind, man is constantly a dweller in the infinite Mind. Man's spiritual dwelling exists because of the unchanging relationship between God and His idea, man.

The only dwellers in this one infinite home are ideas of the one Mind. Therefore there can be no inharmony, dissension, or disturbance in this home, because ideas are the emanation of Principle, God, expressing honesty, justice, unselfishness, humility, gratitude. These qualities are eternally good, and have no element of discord or separation. They are bound together in holy union, fostering trust, faith, purity, and confidence, because the one Mind's ruling is supreme.

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