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St. Peter is described as "a fisherman."...

From the August 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Hastings Dictionary of the Bible

St. Peter is described as "a fisherman."... He owned "a boat," which he worked with his brother. The sons of Zebedee were his partners; and thus the four apostles were friends before— probably long before —they followed Jesus. It is not necessary to draw out at length the traits— vigour, courage, resourcefulness— which the life of a fisherman on the lake would necessarily develop in a naturally healthy character. It is more important to ask what was the apostle's relation to the culture of his time and country.... He was, of course, without such a formal training as fell to the lot of St. Paul. But, on the other hand, the influence of a religious home and of the synagogue must have had a foremost place in forming the apostle.

From Hastings Dictionary of the Bible.

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