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From the September 1935 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Students of Christian Science are grateful for the inspiring examples of the master Metaphysician in demonstrating the truth of supply. And as fully grateful are they for the spiritual light which Christian Science casts upon the sacred records, enabling them to gain inspiration, instruction, and direction whereby to follow, at least in some degree, our Master's example. According to the Scriptural record of his feeding of the five thousand in a desert place, his conversation with his disciples was, in part, as follows: "Jesus said unto them, They need not depart; give ye them to eat. And they say unto him, We have here but five loaves, and two fishes. He said, Bring them hither to me."

We may infer that Jesus meant much more than merely bringing the material loaves and the fishes to him personally, for in the light of Christian Science we realize that our Master repeatedly instructed his disciples to turn from corporeality and mortal-mindedness to realize man's true selfhood, as the reflection of Life, Truth, Love, omnipotence, omnipresence, omniscience.

"Bring them hither to me," may be taken as an appeal to his disciples not to accept such a limited sense of substance as represented to mortal thought by five loaves and two fishes; but rather as a command to them to recognize Spirit as the only substance, unlimited and infinite. When the disciples brought to the Master the few loaves, representing their limited, human sense of supply, in the light of his understanding what happened? In the presence of his realization of infinite Spirit, limitation, doubt, fear, and hunger disappeared, for divine Love abundantly fed the hungry in that "desert place."

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