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From the January 1936 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"Have faith in God" is the admonition with which Christ Jesus introduced one of his emphatic statements concerning the power of prayer. And with prayer he accomplished beneficent results. He said that faith in God can remove mountains and bring fulfillment of every right desire. In the degree that we understand Christian Science, and appreciate and make use of God's goodness, we see the results of our faith in Him.

Modern schooling, with its emphasis upon understanding, insists that more than belief is requisite. This attitude may conflict with creedal religion, but in so far as it demands proof, it harmonizes with the Christian Science concept that Christianity is capable of demonstration. Rising above prejudice, the devout scholar finds that demonstrable truth in religion does not conflict with true Science or right scholastic activity. Furthermore, whether in church or in school, he finds that material belief must yield to spiritual understanding, and that faith must be seen as distinct from mere tradition.

"Faith in God" is a great need of humanity today, as it was when the master Christian preached; and a better understanding of the effective prayer he employed is vital to present demonstration. He proved that reliance upon God is essential, though he did not consider blind faith the desirable attainment. He maintained that any seeker with true faith in God can learn spiritual truth and through it become free. From his ministry we learn that knowledge of God is our true heritage. Like any other inheritance it must be utilized.

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