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Testimonies of Healing

My blessings have been so manifold...

From the October 1936 issue of The Christian Science Journal

My blessings have been so manifold that I wish to express my gratitude. It has been my privilege to witness and experience many healings since taking up the study of Christian Science.

Our eight-year-old son has been healed of colds, chicken pox, and measles through the aid of a practitioner, and the study of the Bible in connection with the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. Also, a severe case of mastoiditis was healed. In this case a great sense of pain accompanied with fever and delirium had to be overcome, and I am very grateful to state that the healing was complete and permanent, there being no sign of discharge from the child's head.

I was healed of hay fever, which had troubled me six years previous to my study of Christian Science. Organic disorders have been overcome. An instantaneous healing of influenza took place at a Christian Science Wednesday evening testimony meeting, the intense fever and chills abating during the singing of a Christian Science hymn. A persistent case of sinus trouble was permanently healed through the aid of a practitioner and a clearer understanding of the omnipresence of God, divine Love. My previous education in medical theories proved to me what a frail aid these theories afford struggling humanity.

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