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From the November 1936 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In an address, in 1893, Mary Baker Eddy made the following statement (Miscellaneous Writings, p.116): "The ultimate of scientific research and attainment in divine Science is not an argument: it is not merely saying, but doing, the Word—demonstrating Truth—even as the fruits of watchfulness, prayer, struggles, tears, and triumph."

The student of Christian Science, as he gains more understanding of the truth through his quickened interest in the Bible and the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, is impelled to read and reread these wonderful books with deep searching and contemplative thought

The satisfying spiritual realities revealed in the Bible, when interpreted by Science and Health, arouse a keen desire to delve still deeper into the profound truths which have been recorded by prophet and teacher. Without question, the Bible is the outstanding book in the world's literature. Much has been written about this great book as evidence of mankind's increasing desire to know more of the Word.

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