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From the November 1936 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Many human plans have been devised for sharing wealth, but none has proved permanently practical. One reason for this is that plans for sharing wealth by means of division and distribution, or redistribution, are based upon the belief that wealth is material, whereas the fact is that wealth, in the best meaning of the term, is spiritual. Real substance being Spirit, or Mind, true wealth, the expression of that Mind, is spiritually mental. In other words, real wealth consists of ideas, those ideas which express God; and ideas cannot be divided, but are multiplied by reflection. All the sons of God are endowed equally with the capacity to reflect those ideas which express God, divine Mind, and thus all share equally the true wealth which manifests real substance.

It is inconceivable that one individual could deprive another individual of his share of true riches, since all possess them by reflection. Obviously, since Mind, God, infinite good, is universal in its nature, those spiritual ideas which express divine Mind are universally and equally available to all. To use a numerical illustration, the number nine can be multiplied indefinitely; and because all may be conscious of and use the same number nine in their arithmetical calculations, one number nine is sufficient. Similarly, in divine Science, all may, by reflection, share the spiritual ideas that express God. And thus all may be consciously aware of the inexhaustible supply of true riches. "O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God!" (Romans 11:33.) Since wisdom and knowledge are, in the best sense, purely spiritual, they express real substance. These ideas are not diminished by reflection. The extent to which they can be thus used cannot be measured, because they express the quality of infinity.

It may be said of Jesus that although he voluntarily renounced the accumulation of material wealth, the spiritual riches he possessed were limitless, because he was "endowed with the Christ, the divine Spirit, without measure" (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 30). The true knowledge, divine wisdom, and spiritual understanding which he reflected "without measure" enabled him always to be provided with those things which were humanly needed, and likewise to supply the needs of others. In this sense he was not poor, but rich beyond human calculation. Referring evidently to the possession of real wisdom and true knowledge, Jesus once said (Matthew 13:12), "Whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance."

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