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From the February 1936 issue of The Christian Science Journal

EVERYONE with the good of his fellow men at heart laments the lack of self-government apparent today. It confronts us in many quarters and is the outward manifestation of thinking that is unspiritual, thinking that is material, worldly, selfish. The spiritually undisciplined are the trouble makers. It is they who originate and sustain inharmony and strife throughout the world, and swell the criminal ranks; whereas the spiritually-minded, those who have attained to some measure of true self-government, are the promoters of harmony among their fellow men, the peacemakers.

The genuine Christian Scientist is keenly alive to the human situation. He is awake to the shortcomings of mankind, acquainted with the lack of self-government so prevalent; but he is not thereby dismayed, for Christian Science has shown him how all men may understand its teachings, place themselves under the law of God, and become truly self-governed. It holds out a bright promise to every humble heart, the promise of regeneration— mastery over self, with consequent harmony. And as the individual attains to harmonious living through obedience to divine law, he becomes a peacemaker among men.

Let us examine the nature of the solution which Christian Science offers to lack of self-government. Briefly, the solution lies in a knowledge of man, the true spiritual selfhood of each one of us. What has Christian Science to say of this, our real selfhood? It informs us that it is the idea, image, or reflection of God. As the reflection of God it possesses the qualities of God—perfect Spirit or Mind—qualities such as goodness, love, purity, truthfulness, spirituality, wisdom, health, holiness. But not a single evil quality is to be found in the real man. That is the truth which, if apprehended and affirmed with conviction and constancy, will bring about the regeneration of mankind.

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