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From the March 1936 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THROUGH the discovery of Christian Science by Mary Baker Eddy, as presented in her book "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" and in her other writings, humanity may learn how to lift itself above the mendacious claims of the carnal mind. This Science is saying to men, "Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in."

One of the arguments of the false sense of material existence which makes insistent demand for acceptance is the suggestion of depressed energy. This argument of lowered resistance to error at a time of sickness would attempt to thwart restoration to health; at a moment of domestic inharmony would prevent reconciliation; at an hour of business reverses would preclude recovery; and at meetings of church members would endeavor to frustrate expression of the one Mind. The consciousness uplifted to bear witness to the risen Christ may here and now manifest normal well-being, preserve harmony in home relations, ensure commercial security, and forward the progress of church activities.

The Christ, Truth, bids the patient sufferer, languishing in the phantom grasp of disease, which seemingly offers stubborn resistance to his recovery, or which is accredited with being incurable, to lift up the despairing hope to joyous confidence in the omnipotence of divine Love. The Scriptural assurance that God upholds the fallen and raises up all who are bowed down points to the spiritual fact that He never made evil, and therefore cannot know it. And this truth, properly applied, destroys the fear of disease and its manifestations.

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