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From the December 1938 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Human beings would do well to give more thought to the subject of attraction. One might begin by asking oneself, What seems to me attractive—the worldly and sensuous, or the spiritual, good, and eternal? Our actions are the result of our responding to some attraction. Whether it be good or evil, we do not always stop to consider. Yet it is of vital importance that we should be attracted only to good.

In the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," Mary Baker Eddy writes (p. 21), "Being in sympathy with matter, the worldly man is at the beck and call of error, and will be attracted thitherward." Pursuing worldly and sensuous pleasures is like chasing a butterfly. Having eyes only for the beautiful insect, which seems ever just out of reach, one may become careless of his footing and fall into a bog from which he escapes only by a mighty struggle. So mortal man, seeking material pleasures, which are self-destructive, eventually comes to grief.

Our revered Leader states (ibid., p. 102): "There is but one real attraction, that of Spirit. The pointing of the needle to the pole symbolizes this all-embracing power or the attraction of God, divine Mind." Therefore, "this all-embracing power" governs God's universe. The real, spiritual man knows only one attraction. For him there is no enticing by opposite attraction. Spiritual thought turns to God as naturally as the flower turns to the light and the needle to the pole. God is Spirit, divine Mind, and all that really exists is God and His spiritual creation. So nothing can be attractive but God and His ideas, for nothing else exists.

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