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From the March 1938 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Never were mortals so occupied as they are today investigating matter and its phenomena. A host of investigators, for instance, is engaged in the study of physics and chemistry, and, as everybody knows, numerous discoveries have been made in these and kindred subjects during the last fifty or a hundred years. Biology, too, has had much attention given it, and great has been the effort of its students to discover how life originated and what is the relationship of life to matter, if it have any relationship.

Investigators have also sought to discover the connection—if any— between mind, so called, and matter, and various are the theories which have resulted from their researches. Since all of these and kindred efforts are of human interest, it is certain that they will be continued until mankind reaches the conclusion, established by Christian Science through revelation, reason, and demonstration, that divine Mind and its manifestations alone are real, and that matter and mortal mind are alike unreal.

Throughout the centuries the human consciousness has been under investigation by thinkers who have studied it from every angle. The result is that today we have in our midst many schools of philosophy and psychology, differing in some instances widely in their surmises and conclusions, but largely agreed on how this consciousness seems to receive mental impressions and on the methods of training it to make it a reliable instrument for the rational guidance of the individual.

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