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Testimonies of Healing

Some time ago I experienced a...

From the March 1938 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Some time ago I experienced a beautiful healing of internal and spinal injuries occasioned by a serious fall. The pain was so intense that it seemed wise and necessary to call a Christian Science practitioner, who has often lovingly given help to our family when we have been in need. For twelve hours it seemed impossible for me to move without extreme suffering. At intervals, however, I was able to apply the truth for myself, as we are taught to do in Christian Science. Gradually the pain lessened, and the fear subsided, so that, with greater physical comfort came sufficient freedom to enable me to take my place as Reader in church on the following day. Certain supposed aftereffects did not entirely disappear for about two weeks, although I was able to meet necessary demands made upon me during that time.

This healing has renewed a longfelt desire to express publicly my gratitude, through our periodicals, for some knowledge of Christian Science, for the many blessings which have resulted to me and mine, and for the practitioners who have many times aided and encouraged me in my journey from sense to Soul.

Over a period of twenty years Christian Science has healed me of quinsy, incipient pneumonia, a tendency toward colds, the need of wearing glasses, excessive flesh, acidosis, dental problems, and minor injuries. It has been invaluable to me, as a mother, in the care and training of three children, affording them freedom, protection, and health. Measles, mumps, whooping cough, scarlet fever, influenza, earaches, and effects of accidents and injuries have been successfully overcome by this spiritual means of healing.

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