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Testimonies of Healing

Christian Science reveals good...

From the September 1939 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science reveals good as rapidly as we accept it—a fact proved in my experience. As this is written, it is eighteen months since I first heard a lecture on Christian Science. Immediately upon taking up the study of the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, I longed for just one proof, that I might know this to be the truth I had been seeking so long. Shortly afterward, I was healed of influenza in three treatments, and the smoking habit disappeared at the same time. I had used forty cigarettes a day and smoked a pipe, but as I studied the textbook I came to this arresting statement (ibid., p. 340): "The First Commandment is my favorite text. It demonstrates Christian Science." I realized instantly that tobacco had been "other gods" to me. This thought was so revolting to my awakening spiritual sense that I discarded the habit on the spot. My wife also rejoiced in this proof. We literally threw out the contents of the medicine cabinet, and thereafter put all our weight into the scale of Christian Science.

Today, I rejoice in the healing of social drinking, profanity, backache for which I had worn a corset for over two years, bronchitis from which I had suffered since babyhood, and chronic sinus trouble. A deep gash in my scalp disappeared overnight, not a trace of it being discernible the next morning. Criticism and resentment have yielded, living conditions have been elevated, lost articles restored, and business conditions adjusted harmoniously. I have gained normalcy in weight. Fatigue has been overcome, as has been the desire for coffee and tea.

When the inner portion of a molar tooth fell out, I depended on Christian Science to save the tooth. The X ray showed the tooth to be a mere shell, and the dentist declared the nerve to be at the point of exposure. Three weeks later, however, without comment, he put in an inlay, and today the tooth is sound.

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