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From the September 1944 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christopher Columbus' discovery of America opened the way for the development of a great new continent.

Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, tells us in the Preface to "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. viii) that "as early as 1862 she began to write down and give to friends the results of her Scriptural study, for the Bible was her sole teacher; but these compositions were crude,—the first steps of a child in the newly discovered world of Spirit."

We have heard the glad news that, in divine reality, we live in a "world of Spirit." This momentous discovery is the greatest since Jesus walked the earth, teaching and demonstrating the same timeless truth. Are we who have accepted this Science showing forth the fruits of our acceptance and understanding? Are we disseminating this news in the way of God's appointing? Are we conscious that we are living in a "world of Spirit" and demonstrating that fact, or are we allowing ourselves to drift hither and thither unmindful thereof?

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