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From the October 1945 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Deeds of heroism lighten the darkness of war with the rays of nobility and unselfish love. Many are turning to God more earnestly than ever before, and those men and women who have taken up the study of Christian Science are learning in this hour of need to understand and utilize the power of divine Love.

Those in the armed forces who understand the power of invincible Love are proving it in the stress of battle and its aftermath. A young officer who had been taught Christian Science from childhood, and who was severely wounded in battle, was able to keep conscious of Love's power and presence. Later, when in the hospital, he was saved both mental and physical discomfort through his study of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, which he had carried into battle in his pocket, and through the loving help of a Christian Science Wartime Minister. On the home front his family was steadily praying to know that he was enfolded in Love. This young officer, casting no backward glance at error, was readily healed, and was grateful that the experience had brought to him more spiritual trust and confidence in good.

Every alert Christian Scientist is engaged in the present struggle to the full extent of his understanding, handling aggressive evil and declaring the victory of divine Principle, Love. Mrs. Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, says in Science and Health (p. 450), "The Christian Scientist has enlisted to lessen evil, disease, and death." He knows that the most effective weapon which he can use against error is spiritual love, the reflection of divine Love, and so he wields it unceasingly in intelligent and confident prayer.

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