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From the October 1945 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Since the ending of the war in Europe, representatives of fifty nations have gathered together to formulate a charter intended to protect and preserve world peace. Most of us were far removed from direct participation in the discussions. But each of us had an opportunity prayerfully to support the San Francisco Conference.

No gathering together of the representatives of the nations can of itself make or ensure lasting peace. Enduring peace can come only as we understand our true status and our relationship to God and to our fellow men. Those who sit around a conference table usually express the thought of the citizens of the nation which they represent. The starting point, therefore, of a final and just declaration of peace is with the individual citizen, wherever he may be.

In Christian Science the importance of man's individuality is clearly revealed. Man is a spiritual idea, individual and perfect, reflecting the one creator, infinite God, eternal good. He is not isolated and alone, but is at one with God and His ideas. On page 115 of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, under the heading "Scientific Translation of Immortal Mind," appears a simple and concise definition of man which, when understood and demonstrated, brings healing and peace to mankind. It reads: "Man: God's spiritual idea, individual, perfect, eternal."

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