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From the October 1946 issue of The Christian Science Journal

One of the many reasons why Christian Science continues to attract an ever-increasing number of thoughtful men and women into its ranks is that its teachings are both logical and practical. Mystery, mysticism, or impractical idealism no longer interests mankind as it once did, nor does it meet the human yearning for a better understanding of life and its meaning. Christian Science does meet this need by its scientific and logical presentation of the great truths taught in the Bible, and particularly in the words and works of our Way-shower, Christ Jesus.

In agreement with most presentations of orthodox Christianity, Christian Science teaches that God is infinite, omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient Spirit; in other words, that He has all power, fills all space, and possesses all knowledge; that He is the only creator, perfect, and "of purer eyes than to behold evil." But when it comes to the acceptance and demonstration of that which logically follows from these premises, orthodoxy and Christian Science part company.

It is self-evident that an all-powerful, all-wise, ever-present, and infinitely good God automatically excludes the claims to presence and power of evil, ignorance, or that which results in sin, sickness, death, or inharmony of any description. It is also obvious that Spirit cannot create its opposite, matter, or make laws of any kind to govern matter. Failure to recognize the logic of these conclusions is responsible for most of the ills and discords which seem to beset mankind today, and prevents the enjoyment, here and now, of the freedom which Jesus said would be the experience of those who understood and applied his teachings.

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