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From the September 1946 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Omnipotence encounters no opposition. In divine Mind there is no struggle for supremacy. This is a portentous thought, and more important still it is a demonstrable fact now revealed in Christian Science. To all-inclusive Truth there is no error with which to cope. Soul is sinless, and in spiritual consciousness there is no unreality called evil with which to wrestle. Mortal mind has no entity or identity, no place or power in the divine economy.

Therefore for man, the reflection of omnipresent Spirit, there is no struggle. Being wholly spiritual, man has no contest with materiality. Because God is his Life, man is immortal; he never was and never can be involved in any fight for survival or existence. God's man continually reflects Love, expresses Life, understands Truth; and he does this spontaneously, naturally, constantly, without toilsome striving. Does not the sunlight without effort express the sun's warmth and brilliance? Even so spiritual man, Mind's perfect idea, constantly manifests Mind in effortless divine energy. Christian Science reveals these grand verities.

Struggle, then, relates solely to the supposititious realm of mortal consciousness. It will continue in human experience until the false sense of a material selfhood apart from God yields completely to the truth of man's eternal, incorporeal existence as the representation of infinite Mind. The spiritual facts of being which Christian Science reveals run counter to human opinion and material sense testimony. The world's opposition to Truth must be overcome in our own consciousness; hence the necessity today of striving for self-surrender to God, which enables us to follow Christ Jesus in the way.

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