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Testimonies of Healing

Twenty-six years ago doctors pronounced...

From the January 1952 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Twenty-six years ago doctors pronounced their sentence of death upon me. I say "their sentence" because I soon learned that it certainly was not God's sentence. I was told that the difficulty was heart disease and that I had probably only two or three months to live.

Christian Science healed me. The healing required several months; however, I am very grateful for the purification of my thought which took place during that time. I learned that it was not my heart that was diseased, but my thinking. I was cherishing many sinful thoughts, carnal appetites of the flesh, which I had to get rid of before a healing could take place.

During the intervening years I have had many other remarkable healings, among them those of pneumonia, hemorrhages, and a stroke. Many of the healings were instantaneous. The stroke rendered me unconscious; my wife telephoned a practitioner, and when she returned from the telephone, I had regained consciousness and was walking around the house and talking rationally, although my speech was not quite normal. This condition disappeared within a few hours, and I was completely healed.

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