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Testimonies of Healing

To attempt with words an expression of...

From the April 1952 issue of The Christian Science Journal

To attempt with words an expression of gratitude for the blessings Christian Science has poured into my life would be like trying to describe the beauty of a full-blown rose wet with the early morning dew, or to convey the joy and happiness on the face of a little child greeting a loved one after a long absence. The many physical healings have included safe passage through "the valley of the shadow of death" for myself and our younger daughter, complete freedom from a sinus infection of many years' standing which had caused years of great pain and suffering, as well as the overcoming of countless minor physical discomforts. Two daughters, fourteen and sixteen years of age, who have attended the Christian Science Sunday School since each was two years old, have had very few children's ailments, and when the arguments of accident or contagion have presented themselves, the girls have been lifted out of these discomforts quickly and permanently. Loving practitioners have always kindly helped and have held up my hands during many emergencies.

It was decided to move from Chicago to California at a time when the housing shortage was acute and everyone painted a very discouraging picture. On our arrival in Los Angeles it was necessary for me to hold to God's hand very securely and to be persistent in knowing where man's home always is. At the right time just the home needed to meet the needs of the family was presented, and it has proved, during the past seven years, to be a joy and blessing to the entire family.

The business change that this move necessitated has proved satisfactory far above and beyond the hopes or plans of all. In fact it would have been impossible for any person to humanly outline or plan just what was to take place and the many footsteps needed. However, the goal has been to let God's will be done—to let God govern— and consequently blessings have poured into consciousness. This has not been accomplished without much mental work and persistent holding fast to that which I knew to be true regardless of the testimony of the physical senses.

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