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"Walk in the Spirit"

From the May 1952 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"God is a Spirit." So our Master said.
And what he said we know, and know is true.
But where is Spirit? Where His fountainhead?
How may I know Him? So my longing grew,
Rose to His presence, and I wrestled long,
Like Jacob with the angel whom he held
And would not loose until he blessed him there.
And then an angel spoke to me. I heard:
"You cannot see His face, but you can know
The urgent, fervent love in inmost thought
For all the truths our Master lived and taught;
The joy that fills the day with tides of light:
The spark that touches love and burns it pure;
The zeal that finds in service a delight,
And inspiration making healing sure:
The strong, impelling urge to seek and find—
To walk in Spirit, man's eternal Mind."

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