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Testimonies of Healing

Let the words of the Psalmist be the...

From the July 1952 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Let the words of the Psalmist be the prelude to my humble testimony (Ps. 105:1), "O give thanks unto the Lord; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people." With deep gratitude I praise God for His goodness and mercy; for the Way-shower, Christ Jesus; and for the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, who steadfastly labored to give humanity the key to the treasures of the Holy Bible.

My introduction to Christian Science came after a major operation for gallstones. Following the operation another ailment came upon me, that of heart exhaustion accompanied by extreme weakness, which made me bedfast. Another operation was recommended, but I firmly refused to have it. A newcomer to our community, hearing of my illness, called upon me. She brought me the message of Christian Science, which gave me hope and courage to fight the good fight for health and happiness. She quoted this sentence from the textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy (p. 167): "Only through radical reliance on Truth can scientific healing power be realized." Then she smiled lovingly and said, "The Christian Science textbook is my 'pill box.'" Her declarations of Truth awakened me out of what had seemed a nightmare, and a great desire filled my consciousness to know more about God and Christian Science.

The textbook was purchased from a Reading Room, and I began most earnestly to work out my own salvation. I read and pondered the Lesson-Sermons in the Christian Science Quarterly and read as well other Christian Science literature. Soon there was light instead of darkness, and joy and peace instead of fear and trembling. There was much rejoicing when I learned that the words, "Our Father which art in heaven" (Matt. 6:9), have this spiritual interpretation, given in the textbook (p. 16): "Our Father-Mother God, all-harmonious." I became aware of the omnipresence of God and experienced a freedom that words cannot express; my fetters dropped from me and I was healed. This healing took place thirty years ago.

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