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From the October 1953 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Everyone at some time has glimpsed the presence of the Christ, Truth, operating in his human experience. It may have been the inspiration of a holy thought bringing him joy, the tender words of a psalm or hymn bringing him comfort, or perhaps the ministrations of a friend supplying a human need. A glimpse of the Christ may have come when a glorious healing of disease or suffering was experienced.

The prophets of old caught many glimpses of the Christ, but the fullness of the Christly nature remained to be demonstrated by Christ Jesus. His teachings are reinstated today through the understanding and demonstration of Christian Science. The Christ has always been here. It is the evidence of God with us. It signifies divine power humanly available; the activity of good, and the continuity of that activity. Through the revelation of Christian Science everyone can have access to the Christ, Truth, in his experience. There is but one Christ because there is but one God. Our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, defines "Christ" in our textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 583), as, "The divine manifestation of God, which comes to the flesh to destroy incarnate error." Christ Jesus expressed this divine, eternal nature of God to the highest degree. He proved the Christ to be the divine nature which is reflected in man.

Christian Scientists regard Jesus as their Ensample and Way-shower. He came to show men that the Christ speaks to the human consciousness prepared to receive it; that this divine message from God comes with healing in its wings to dispel the illusions of sin, disease, and death. Jesus taught that all may claim this Christly nature as their own and do the works which he did, and even greater works. Jesus expected his followers to claim the Mind of Christ. He said to them (John 14: 12), "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father." Jesus knew that the understanding he possessed of God could be the possession of all those who would demonstrate the Christ in their human experiences. He was aware that the truth which constituted his spiritual selfhood not only was his, but comprised the spiritual identity of all God's children. He was the Saviour of the world because he came to show mankind that this divine nature was not exclusively his, but belongs to everyone who turns away from material sense and opens his consciousness to the redeeming activity of the Christ.

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