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Testimonies of Healing

It is simply impossible to count all the...

From the October 1953 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is simply impossible to count all the blessings which we have experienced in our family through the application of Christian Science. Of the many healings experienced I will mention only a few.

My first one was that of smoking, a habit of about twenty years' standing. The healing took place in a few days through my reading "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. All desire to smoke vanished.

A chronic condition of recurring headaches was overcome. A case of insanity was entirely healed in a very short time. A broken bone in the foot was healed in nine days without any help from a physician. Another case of a similar nature was healed instantaneously. The need for a house has been met business and financial problems have been beautifully solved, and so-called children's diseases have been overcome, through our reading the textbook. We have proved what our beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy says in 'Miscellaneous Writings'' (p. 307): "God gives you His spiritual ideas, and in turn, they give you daily supplies. Never ask for to-morrow: it is enough that divine Love is an ever-present help; and if you wait, never doubting, you will have all you need every moment."

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