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From the March 1953 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Close to the heart of mankind is a yearning for progress, yet one often feels cumbered and hindered in every direction. On page 256 of the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," Mary Baker Eddy writes, "Progress takes off human shackles." In Christian Science we learn that progress is normal and inevitable, for man is spiritual and eternally progressive.

This does not mean that man goes through any process or change from his original perfection, but that in order to cast off human shackles one must awaken to his real selfhood. Why does this awakening— this laying aside of shackles—seem to be such a struggle? Why is it put off? Why is it resisted? Is it not because the effect of these self-imposed bonds is considered the natural state of human experience? Truly, our enslavement to such characteristics as pride, selfishness, hate, envy, self-will, and fear is the only bond that shackles us.

In Christian Science we learn that these foes of progress can be removed if we replace them with such practical and liberating Christlike qualities as purity, affection, meekness, faith, honesty, and love. The first step is to accept the fact that true progress is spiritual, and then honestly to desire this progress. We must become willing to let go of our flimsy concepts of God and man and turn unreservedly to Principle, letting divine Science interpret the creator and His creation. Mind is intelligent, and man expresses this intelligence. One understanding this is able to comprehend and apply spiritual truths. Materiality cannot clog human consciousness when these facts are accepted and cherished. Christian Science has a vitalizing, regenerating effect on human thinking. It gives us patterns for right human action which release us from the shackles of false education, worldly customs, and material-mindedness.

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