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Testimonies of Healing

As proof of the sure and permanent healing...

From the April 1953 issue of The Christian Science Journal

As proof of the sure and permanent healing power of Christian Science through the right application of its teachings, I should like to testify to a remarkable healing of the effects of an accident.

In 1920 the car in which I was riding was struck by a train at a railroad crossing. I was taken to a nearby relative's home, and a physician was called. He despaired of my life and had me taken by ambulance to a large hospital thirty miles distant. My brother, who lived some distance away, was summoned to what was called my deathbed. Upon arrival in the city he hastened rather to a Christian Science practitioner who had healed him instantaneously a few months previously of a very serious throat infection.

My brother asked the practitioner if he had seen the headlines in the morning paper regarding the accident, which had referred to me as fatally injured. The practitioner said he had. My brother said, "That is my sister; can you help her?" The practitioner answered, "Yes, I can and I will." Work in Christian Science was taken up for me at once.

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