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From the April 1953 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Is inspiration lost? Find gratitude,
And let her lead you gently by the hand.
Filling the vacuum of your solitude,
She will guide you straightly to her friend.
For gratitude and inspiration dwell together,
Their home the humble heart that, trusting, waits,
Patient and strong in bright or stormy weather,
Where love its banner lifts above its gates.

If you have lost expectancy of healing,
Be grateful for perfection's changelessness.
Regarding not material sense's feeling,
Your vision lift in glad perceptiveness.
The shock of pain with holy courage meet;
None are defeated who own not defeat.

If health should seem the focus of ambition,
Then seek a dearer, more enduring goal;
Let love for God and man your thought condition,
And yearning find completion safe in Soul.
Let waiting times be times of dedication
To seek afresh the purposes of Love,
And then both health and also inspiration
Truth's allness and your steadfastness will prove.

Choose well your path, and do not vacillate
Between the things of matter and of Spirit.
Know what is real, and lo, emancipate,
You walk with God, and all His good inherit.
But whether hope burns high, or is subdued,
Companion still with faithful gratitude.

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