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Testimonies of Healing

It is with profound gratitude that I submit...

From the May 1953 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is with profound gratitude that I submit this testimony to the comforting and healing efficacy of Christian Science.

In my early teens I was living with an aunt who, after two tumor operations by eminent surgeons, was given but two years to live. She was healed through Christian Science and took up its study. Through her help I was instantaneously healed of a sore throat. Later I became a member of a branch Church of Christ, Scientist, and began teaching in the Sunday School.

During the influenza epidemic in 1918 two of my children were ill at the same time. My little son had coughed until it seemed as though he could do so no longer, and neither of the children was able to eat normally for several days. I asked a practitioner if she would come to see us, and she lovingly consented to do so. For five hours after she left, the little boy did not once cough, and both children recovered quickly.

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