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From the November 1954 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A Clearer realization of the true Science of being was never more needed than it is today. The many discoveries of material so-called science and the increasingly destructive uses to which they are being put make it necessary for students of Christian Science to see clearly the exactness of its teachings and to demonstrate to mankind that Science is divine, not material.

Although they may still disagree with its teachings, theologians and medical physicians are now more or less accepting Christian Science as a religion that heals human ills. Its function as Science, however, has yet to be more definitely acknowledged. A dictionary defines the word science in part as "accumulated and accepted knowledge which has been systematized and formulated with reference to the discovery of general truths or the operation of general laws." Christian Science is certainly the discovery of the truth of being and of the operation of divine law; and our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, through great consecration has made this discovery available to bless all men.

That we may help to bring about the fuller recognition of Christian Science in the field of science, therefore, we need a clearer understanding and conviction of the allness of God, of His true nature, and of man's relationship to Him. Then we can prove more abundantly to ourselves and to the world that this Science, when applied to every individual, national, or international problem, is more exact and more certain in its results than material science can ever be.

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