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Testimonies of Healing

I can never express in words the joy that...

From the February 1954 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I can never express in words the joy that has come to me with the transformation of thought from sense to Soul, from the belief in matter to the knowledge of Spirit. My heart overflows with love and gratitude as I thank God for Mary Baker Eddy and her precious gift, Christian Science.

Twelve years ago I was a bundle of nerves. I felt old and tired. My stomach was a constant source of misery due to ulcers, for which medicine brought no relief. I was envious and jealous of those I worked with, blaming others for my troubles and causing an inharmonious condition wherever I was. Also I was filled with self-righteousness, which condemned and hurt others when they most needed help and which eventually led to undesirable results in my personal affairs. The time came when I prayed that I might die, for, like Job of old, I believed that I had lost every good thing that I had possessed.

Finally my thoughts turned toward God, and then I remembered Christian Science, having attended Sunday School for a few months at about the age of ten. The seeds of Truth sown by my loving Sunday School teacher had endured through the years as a reminder of better things. A practitioner turned my thoughts to the purity of the law of Christ, Truth, and I eagerly studied the Bible and the textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy.

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