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From the December 1955 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"You render the divine law of healing obscure and void, when you weigh the human in the scale with the divine, or limit in any direction of thought the omnipresence and omnipotence of God." These words of Mary Baker Eddy's in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 445) point out to her followers, indeed, to all mankind, how they themselves can prove and experience God's infinite goodness and power. With unceasing effort she sought to set forth the divine law of healing so clearly that it could never seem to be obscure or void to anyone, never appear to be undefined, intricate, or without effect. Her words may be taken as a warning not to measure a limited, human sense of good in the scale with the divine, not to mentally accept conclusions which fail to acknowledge the all-presence and all-power of God.

The annals of Christian Science include indubitable proofs that when the omnipresence and omnipotence of God are unreservedly acknowledged, and His law is permitted to operate in human affairs unimpeded and unrestricted by mortal belief, results are at once decisive and satisfactory. Conclusive evidence concerning the power, availability, and willingness of divine Love to meet whatever the human need may be is daily multiplying.

In ancient times as in ours, when earnest workers sought with unselfish loyalty to serve God and man, demonstration was certain, and good was upheld. The account of the three Hebrews, who were threatened by the king with fiery destruction if they did not fall down and worship the golden image, tells us that they said to the king (Dan. 3:16-18): "We are not careful to answer thee in this matter.... Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. But if not ... we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up." With courage and decision they refused to permit the human exigency to outweigh their determination to be faithful to their highest sense of God.

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