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Testimonies of Healing

To those endeavoring to put into…

From the June 1955 issue of The Christian Science Journal

To those who are endeavoring to put into practice what they know of Truth and to demonstrate for themselves the teachings of Christian Science, I hope this testimony will be helpful. Since childhood I had been embarrassed by ugly warts. I had a cluster of them on my elbow, and they were so unsightly that I held my arm in a curved position so that they would be less noticeable. After having class instruction I thought, "Now is the time to put into practice what I have learned." So one night I gave myself a treatment. The truth that God's formations are beautiful, useful, and good was made clear to my thought. The next morning there was not a wart on my elbow.

There remained one, however, on my knee. So overjoyed was I about the healing of the others that I neglected to do further work. It was not long before warts appeared on my hand. They became so large and multiplied so rapidly that prayerful work became imperative. With my realization that I was beyond the range of their supposed existence they disappeared; but to my dismay more began to appear, and these in turn multiplied so rapidly that I was aghast. Encouraged to some extent by other healings, I knew the condition could be healed. Divine direction came to me as though these words were spoken: "Probe the trouble to the bottom." I searched my thought and found that I was thinking thus, "Now, the next time they appear I am not going to delay, but I shall immediately do my work about it."

This searching of thought revealed that I was accepting a return of the condition. Then came the realization that in reality error never appeared, reappeared, or needed to disappear. I saw that to believe in a disappearing was to admit an appearing, and that the appearing, reappearing, and disappearing of error were unreal, since God's omnipresence precludes them. I realized that since God was and is the only Mind, I had not had, nor could I now have, the capacity to conceive or to entertain the erroneous thought that produced the physical condition. Within about three days the warts had all disappeared, and they have not returned.

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