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Testimonies of Healing

Christian Science is the greatest blessing...

From the July 1955 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science is the greatest blessing that has come into my life. Although I was a doubting Thomas when I first heard of this religion, it healed me in one treatment of prolapse of an internal organ after I had used material means for two years. A nervous condition and the need of wearing glasses were also healed, although these healings took longer. For a while there was a mental conflict in my thought as to whether or not Christian Science was of God, and at the same time there was much discord in our home. One afternoon I decided to accept the good I understood of Science and stop arguing with myself about the statements I did not yet comprehend. After I made this decision, a great sense of illumination came to me, as though a powerful searchlight had been focused where I was. Thereafter I was no longer troubled by discord in the home.

At the conclusion of five years of successful teaching in Western Canada, I had the following experience. After a visit in April by the school inspector, who referred to the low standing of some of my pupils, word went around the vicinity that my work in the school was not up to the standard. At once I wrote to a practitioner in a nearby city and asked for help. The day after the practitioner received my letter, I received the inspector's written report. While there was some criticism, the general tone of the report was good. I thanked God for this.

But there was still work for me to do. During the following five or six weeks almost everyone I met informed me that they heard I was not coming back the next year. Even my brother, with whom I lived, told me that I was definitely going to be dismissed. To each one my answer was the same, "I don't know whether I am coming back or not." But silently, humbly, and emphatically I declared that God maintains man in his right place and that if I was in my right place, no suggestion of error could put me out of it.

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