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Testimonies of Healing

It is with profound gratitude and an unwavering...

From the July 1955 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is with profound gratitude and an unwavering faith that God is always near to guard and guide His children that I offer this testimony. When I was four years old, my mother passed on, and my younger sister, my brother, and I were taken into the home of an aunt who was a member of The Mother Church and a branch church. Almost immediately she enrolled me in the Christian Science Sunday School. My appreciation of those Sunday School years is deep and wholehearted, for there I learned the truth and how to use it. In my later teens I had a teacher who was so much aware of my needs and whose spiritual understanding was so fine that I was led to recognize God as the only help and guiding power. With her encouragement I became a member of a branch church, and later I had the happy privilege of affiliating with a Christian Science Organization at the university I attended.

The most trying experience of my life came when objections were made to my plans to marry another student of Science. Finally, after asking for help from a practitioner, I went ahead with the marriage. It was a testing time, but I never ceased to express all the love I could and to respond lovingly to each overture made toward me on the part of my relatives. Finally all concerned recognized our marriage to be a happy one and my husband to be a fine and loving man. As a part of this unfoldment, just before our marriage my husband accepted a position some two hundred miles from our home city. This meant that we had to rely more on our own spiritual understanding in working out our problems. Our two children were born easily and harmoniously while I was having absent treatment from a practitioner. From the outset I have tried to know that in reality they are God's children and in His care.

Our understanding of God's omnipotent, omnipresent care has been evidenced many times, but one of the most outstanding experiences was when our car skidded on a slippery desert road and rolled over three times. I had time to think only, "We are all right," and none of us were injured. The care and attention we received throughout the experience and the repairs and insurance settlement that were so beautifully handled were proofs of divine protection.

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