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Testimonies of Healing

I would not be here today if it were not...

From the October 1956 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I would not be here today if it were not for Christian Science. Over twenty years ago I was gaunt and haggard and was losing weight rapidly. Six feet and one inch in height, I weighed one hundred and six pounds with my clothes and a heavy overcoat on. A doctor, to whom my employer sent me, gave me a thorough physical examination and had my chest X-rayed. Then he said that I had tuberculosis and had three months at the most to live. That night I did something which I had not done for a long time. I prayed to God to know what I should do.

The next day a friend asked me if I would like to have Christian Science treatment. I did not think this could help me, but I also did not want to offend my friend, who had listened very compassionately to all my woes. When she offered to introduce me to a Christian Science practitioner, I reluctantly assented, thinking: "Oh, well, when this person sees my gaunt face and skeletonlike appearance she will realize that I'm too far gone for her to help. She won't want to risk her reputation on a case having such slight prospects for success as mine has."

To my great surprise the practitioner's attitude was just the opposite. She seemed unimpressed with the hopelessness of my case and undaunted by my alleged incurability. She showed me a picture of her daughter, who had been healed through Christian Science of a complication of diseases, including curvature of the spine, and she assured me that I too could be healed. I agreed to try Christian Science, and the practitioner requested me to read from cover to cover the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy.

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