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Testimonies of Healing

The testimonies in our periodicals have...

From the November 1957 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The testimonies in our periodicals have been of much help to me over the years, and therefore I should like to share an account of one of the many healings that I have experienced through the application of Christian Science.

One morning about five years ago I was suddenly stricken with a pain so severe at the back of my neck that I was forced to go to bed. My husband called a practitioner to take up prayerful work for me, and she lovingly did so.

From this point on, I have to rely on others' information, as everything became hazy to me during this experience. I was told that for over two weeks I was in a state of coma most of the time. During those two weeks my husband was greatly sustained by the truth, which enabled him to care for me day and night. I was aware of the practitioner coming to see me and of my husband reading the Lesson-Sermon in the Christian Science Quarterly to me. I could not remember anything from the Bible or from "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, not even "the scientific statement of being" (p. 468), which I had known since I was a child. However, the thought that Life is eternal kept weaving itself in and out of my consciousness.

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