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Testimonies of Healing

"Glorify God in your body, and in your...

From the April 1957 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"Glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's" (1 Cor. 6:20). This quotation from St. Paul is quoted as the opening sentence of Article VIII, Section 24, under the heading "Testimonials" in the Manual of The Mother Church by Mary Baker Eddy. I wish to add my testimony to the many already given in order to show that through the practice of Christian Science, one can indeed glorify God in body and in spirit.

Christian Science has taught me true values. Since becoming a student of this wonderful truth, I have gained a better evaluation of my time, my money, and even my thinking. My gratitude grows each day for our beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy, and for her priceless gift to mankind. I never cease to marvel at her courage.

Through the application of Christian Science I have experienced many healings, both physical and moral. Some have come about as a result of my own efforts and others with the help of practitioners. Some have been instantaneous, while others have been prolonged as needed lessons were learned along the way.

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