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Testimonies of Healing

The first physical healing I witnessed in...

From the June 1957 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The first physical healing I witnessed in Christian Science has been a continuous source of spiritual inspiration and joy, for it clearly proved that God is the healer of disease. When my daughter was in kindergarten, she had a severe case of scarlet fever, and many complications followed, including sinus infection and chronic bronchitis. Over a period of nine years she received medical treatment by several specialists and was a hospital patient on many occasions. She always received the latest drugs and medicines. We followed the doctors' advice and on two occasions moved to other climates.

One morning my daughter had an attack with severe symptoms, and by evening it was difficult for her to breathe. The attack continued progressively worse, but I did not call the doctor. A friend of mine came to call, and upon learning of my daughter's condition, he recommended that I try Christian Science. He was so kind and patient it was difficult not to listen while he told me that praying in Christian Science was understanding God's presence and power.

My friend tried to relieve my fear and said it would help for me to think of my daughter as a perfect child of God whom no disease could touch. He said that I could talk with a Christian Science practitioner, but I did not wish to do so. However, I told my friend that if he wished, he might go home and pray for my daughter. He lovingly consented to do so, provided I would go right to bed with no feeling of fear, but just with the thought that everything had been turned over to God.

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