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Testimonies of Healing

When I was a young woman, my mother...

From the January 1958 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When I was a young woman, my mother laid down some undesirable health laws for me, saying that I was following in her footsteps and would, no doubt, have the same troubles she had experienced. I rebelled against these unjust decrees, but I did not know how to protect myself from such thoughts.

There was among our relatives a woman who was a Christian Scientist. She talked about her religion to us, and I was much impressed with her way of life; so I began to read the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. Through the study of that book, I was healed of constipation. This was one of the conditions which had concerned my mother.

For a number of years after my introduction to Christian Science, I wandered in the wilderness but never got entirely away from this practical religion. I read the textbook spasmodically and usually subscribed for some of the literature, but gained little headway in spiritual understanding.

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