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From the October 1959 issue of The Christian Science Journal

After one commences the study of Christian Science, a very radical change takes place regarding his viewpoint of his personality. As one progresses in this study, he realizes rich rewards of health and freedom by understanding that his true personality is spiritual, not material.

On page 5 of her Message to The Mother Church for 1901, in connection with the question, "Do Christian Scientists believe in personality?" Mary Baker Eddy writes, "They do, but their personality is defined spiritually, not materially—by Mind, not by matter."

One's spiritual personality—one's true self—is comprised of spiritual qualities that witness to God, divine Mind. One's true character is purely Godlike, and there is no element of error in it. One must learn to identify himself as the individualized reflection of all of God's qualities. He finds that as he yearns to be more conscious of these characteristics of his true personality, and considers them in quietness, he begins to express them in his life. Then his behavior becomes more Christlike, and he begins to free himself from the emotionalism and egotism of the false mentality belonging to material personality.

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