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From the December 1959 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Mary Baker Eddy says (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 172), "Intrepid, self-oblivious Protestants in a higher sense than ever before, let us meet and defeat the claims of sense and sin, regardless of the bans or clans pouring in their fire upon us."

One definition of "protestant" is "one who protests." And one definition of "protest" is "to make a solemn declaration or affirmation of." The earnest student of Christian Science protests or affirms the reality of good and the unreality of evil; his protestations of Truth are solemn, sincere, and strong; his protests against evil in all forms are impersonal, powerful, and effective.

His ability to make effective protest is the outgrowth of his spiritual understanding of the true nature of God, infinite Spirit, and of man made in His likeness. The student is convinced of his God-given ability to prove through spiritual inspiration the practical nature of divine metaphysics in solving problems of daily living.

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