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Testimonies of Healing

When visiting another city on business...

From the March 1959 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When visiting another city on business, I met a friend who asked me to go with him to church that evening. It was a Wednesday; and I thought it a strange invitation, for I had always associated church services with Sundays. He explained that I would hear testimonies of healing, and I consented to go with him. This was my introduction to Christian Science. I had never heard of it before, nor had I known that a Church of Christ, Scientist, existed.

After the meeting, my friend said he would send some Christian Science literature to my hotel the next day so that I could read it on the train going home. I was impressed with the testimonies in The Christian Science Journal and Christian Science Sentinel. I was particularly interested in statements in the testimonies which were quoted from the textbook, Science and Health by Mary Baker Eddy. To me, each testimony rang true and seemed so logical that I went on to read the various articles throughout the periodicals.

That week end my wife and I attended our first Sunday service, and our two children, aged three and six years, were enrolled in the Christian Science Sunday School. That was twenty-six years ago. Both our children were regular attendants in the Sunday School until they reached the age of twenty. They were quickly healed of whooping cough and minor ailments through their own receptivity to the truth which they were taught and with the help of a Christian Science practitioner.

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