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Testimonies of Healing

Christian Science is leading humanity...

From the June 1959 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science is leading humanity out of its mortal beliefs of inharmony, sin, disease, and death into a recognition of God's reign of complete harmony. When the first faint glimpse of this truth was made manifest in my consciousness, I was healed of the smoking habit of long standing and of the desire for alcoholic drink, which was fast becoming a serious problem.

These healings took place several years ago when I was in the very depths of despair. In spite of having a loving wife and three good children, as well as many material possessions, I was very unhappy. In an effort to escape, I had begun to drink excessively. Although I had a responsible position, I was not doing the work properly. Nervousness and irritability led to many inharmonious incidents, both at work and at home.

One evening, at the height of my despair, I turned to my wife with tears in my eyes and told her that I was going to try Christian Science because I had to find an answer to my despair. I had known of Christian Science for a number of years through other members of my family who had studied "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and I had read a few pages in this book.

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