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Testimonies of Healing

I have experienced a lifetime of protection...

From the September 1959 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I have experienced a lifetime of protection and healings through Christian Science. Because my parents were both students of this Science, my earliest recollections are of turning to the truth for help. I had very few of the diseases associated with childhood, and in later years, through my own prayerful work, arthritis, heart trouble, and many minor ailments have been overcome.

After my marriage I spent many hours in studying the Bible and Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy. Through this study I gained strength and assurance in rearing three children. On two occasions broken bones were healed without being set; inflammatory rheumatism was overcome with no aftereffects; infections, a tendency to take cold, and the results of accidents have all been healed.

At one time our older daughter was sent home from school with a severe headache. The teacher had checked her eyes and reported poor vision. An appointment had been made for the school nurse to examine her the following day. This nurse kindly telephoned to say that she had found on file an exemption card for our daughter; so she knew we would not want the examination. I thanked her, promising not to neglect the situation.

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