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"And I John saw"

From the January 1962 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Did revelation tarry? What delayed
The full appearing of the reign of Mind?
John sought a realm of law and order, made
By God's decree, and by His love designed.

He saw belief in evil self-arrayed,
Swollen with fear and ignorance and sin;
But trustingly the loved disciple prayed
And found the answer to his quest within.

Truth's searchlight left no dark or hidden cell
Where evil could remain concealed as thought;
So Satan's claim to mind and substance fell.
It fell, without identity, as nought!

The glory of true being then appeared
To John's awakened, Soul-inspired sight,
And voices of a heavenly host declared
All wrong dissolved, no sorrow and no night!

Thus John beheld the consciousness foursquare,
Without a measurement of time or space;
Its streets were laid with virtues, strong and fair,
And Spirit's senses saw God "face to face."

So can each one of us awake to know
That heaven is within, safe, whole, and free;
That Love's appearing does not come and go.
John understood God's allness—so can we.

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