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Testimonies of Healing

From early childhood I had a deep longing...

From the January 1962 issue of The Christian Science Journal

From early childhood I had a deep longing to know God. As a young girl I used to wonder if there was anyone on earth who really understood what was true of Him. As I reached young womanhood this longing became more poignant, and I am grateful to the neighbor who discerned my hunger for spiritual things and spoke to me about Christian Science. She also invited me to accompany her to hear a Christian Science lecture. After many years that lecture is still vivid in my memory; and I look back on it as one of the most important events of my life, for it led me to become a student of Science.

I should like to tell of a healing of headaches from which I had suffered for a number of years. Nine or ten years ago I went to a large city on a shopping expedition, and on my arrival I had a headache. I went about my business, endeavoring to realize the truth for myself. Then I stopped in front of a shop window and began to reason with myself somewhat after this fashion: "I have been declaring spiritual truths for the last couple of hours. I know they are true, and I know that Truth heals. But do I really know that God, Truth, is omnipotent? Do I know that God is All? Yes, I do know that God is omnipotent—All." In that instant the headache was gone, and there has never been a recurrence.

One day when I was standing at the top of the basement stairs, I lost my footing and fell over backwards, landing at the bottom of the stairs. Instantly I turned in thought to God, saying aloud, "God, it never really happened, did it?" Christian Science teaches that because man is spiritual and governed solely by divine Principle, he cannot suffer any mischance.

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