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Testimonies of Healing

I have long wanted to give a testimony I...

From the January 1971 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I have long wanted to give a testimony I hope will be a source of help to others. Some time ago I was knocked down by a van while crossing the road and was picked up by an ambulance and taken to the hospital. I asked to be taken home, but the condition of bleeding was apparently so frightening that this was not allowed. Later, because I was in much pain, an X ray was taken. It showed a cracked pelvis.

It is with deep gratitude and appreciation I speak of the kindness of the medical staff, who knew that I was a Christian Scientist.

After four days in the hospital, although I had received no surgical or medical treatment for this condition, to the amazement of the nurses the surgeon said I could get up and walk. With a nurse on either side I made the effort, but the pain was too great. However, next day I tried again and walked a few steps, and in three days I walked alone. The nurses said they had never known such a quick healing. During all this time, right from a few minutes after the accident, I was having treatment from a Christian Science practitioner, and I know that it was through the practitioner's clear understanding of God's allness and of man's perfection that this healing took place as it did.

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