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Right Ambition—Pleasing God

From the January 1971 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The master Christian, Christ Jesus, had only one ambition: to do the will of his Father, to please and glorify Him. He said, "To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth." John 18:37; This is the only ambition that can bring lasting satisfaction and happiness.

To express God in all that we think, say, or do is the only logical reason for existence. If we try to have any other ambition, we will only be putting off the demonstration we all must eventually make of true happiness, health, success, and immortality. Impelled by any other motivation than that of serving God, we will find ourselves sidetracked from the accomplishment of our true life purpose and its manifold blessings.

Mrs. Eddy writes in Retrospection and Introspection under the title "Admonition": "Dishonesty, envy, and mad ambition are 'lusts of the flesh,' which uproot the germs of growth in Science and leave the inscrutable problem of being unsolved. Through the channels of material sense, of worldly policy, pomp, and pride, cometh no success in Truth." Ret, p. 79; If Mrs. Eddy's motives had been personal ambition and desire for wealth, fame, and adulation, her establishment of the Cause of Christian Science would have failed.

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