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Testimonies of Healing

On Thanksgiving morning, 1966, as my...

From the November 1971 issue of The Christian Science Journal

On Thanksgiving morning, 1966, as my wife and I were getting ready to go to church, a representative of the United States Navy called at our home to inform us that our older son, who was stationed in Saigon, had been badly injured in an accident. According to the report, he was in critical condition, unconscious and unable to communicate with us. Our thought turned immediately to God. We sent our boy the following communication: "One thing only is true—God is your Life, and you are His perfect, indestructible child. We shall use this opportunity to prove God's omnipotence. Prayerful work is being done. Fear not."

The military doctors were most kind and did all they could, but the material picture was bleak. Medical findings were two broken legs and a broken hip, infection, and obstruction in the bloodstream that caused weeks of unconsciousness. But these were healed through Christian Science when all other means failed.

We countered each false suggestion by working ever harder to see only man's perfection, to recognize that error is always dissolved by Truth, to understand that man's only consciousness is spiritual. We applied ourselves diligently to the study of the writings of Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science.

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